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Exfoliate Your Way to Glowing Skin

Written by Heidi | Sep 16, 2017

The summer season is slowly fading away, but vibrant skin is just as achievable in the cooler months of fall. As sun dresses give way to jeans and sweaters, it’s time to start incorporating exfoliation into your beauty routine (if you’re not already!). Skincare regiments are a year-round necessity, and using an exfoliator 2-3 times a week improves the effectiveness of other products including moisturizers and serums that help replenish dry skin. Check out these tips on exfoliators and gear up for glowing skin this fall!

3-Step Exfoliation

Don’t let a beautiful summer glow fade with the season. Exfoliating in cooler temperatures is just as important as warmer temperatures, and removes dead or dry skin cells to uncover fresh healthy skin. Incorporating this extra step 2-3 times a week will help skin stay smooth and fresh, and can be as easy as 1 – 2 – 3!

1 - Cleanse the skin. Removing extra oil and dirt before exfoliating creates a prepped and ready canvas.

2- Once the skin is cleansed and still wet, exfoliate (try Burke Williams Buff from their exclusive H2V line). Exfoliating can easily create smoother and brighter complexion and can help rid the skin of blemishes.

3 - Once the skin is exfoliated it’s time to moisturize. Newly revealed skin cells can absorb and lock moisture in to keep your skin bright and soft.

DIY Lip Scrub

While exfoliating may be on your radar, people often forget to exfoliate the lips. When cooler temperatures arrive and the air begins to dry out lips often become chapped, and occasional exfoliation can be key to smooth and luscious lips. A great DIY lip scrub can help clear away excess cells from chapped lips, so consider making a scrub that’s equal parts sugar and honey. Gently apply the scrub to your lips and use minimal pressure to clear away skin with a small moist towel, then apply a mild balm to replenish moisture to the lips.

Listen to Your Skin

Exfoliation is vital to vivacious skin, but it’s important to adjust to specific skincare needs. The general rule of thumb is to incorporate exfoliation into skincare regiments 2-3 times a week, however much like a fingerprint no two people have the same skincare needs. If you’re experiencing particularly dry or oily skin this fall, consult your esthetician or dermatologist to ensure your frequency and methods of exfoliation are on par with your needs. Never continue to exfoliate if skin becomes irritated, and if results are lacking it may be time for a facial and the sound advice of an esthetician!

Just because the summer sun is fading doesn’t mean your beauty regimen needs to dull – and Burke Williams can help keep skin bright and fabulous all year long! Buff  is part of Burke Williams exclusive H2V skincare line, and is a clay-based exfoliant with microdermabrasion crystals and cornmeal that can be incorporated into your skincare routine. Burke Williams offers a variety of skincare services, from facials to body treatments. Transition from summer to fall with some much needed pampering, and for locations and reservations visit www.BurkeWilliamsSpa.com.