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5 Ways to Green Your Beauty Routine

Written by Heidi | May 08, 2017

Sustainable shopping is a hot topic and environmentally-minded fashionistas can find beauty and personal care products that lean towards green. Eco-friendlier beauty routines can potentially be more cost-effective and are a step in the right direction for the planet. By reducing, reusing, and recycling at the vanity you can make beauty decisions that are better for the environment and your skin. We’ve rounded up 5 of our favorite ways to feel amazing while reducing your carbon footprint – check out our top picks below and embark on a greener beauty routine!


Sheet masks are a popular beauty trend, but they’re not necessarily a sustainable option. These beauty masks are made up of a variety of materials that are soaked in nutrition packed serums and provide customized benefits, fast. However, they’re individually packaged for one-time use, leaving the packaging and the sheet in the trash after every application. The alternative: A wash-off mask (like this one from H2V!) will give you longer lasting benefits while cutting down on the waste you leave behind per use.


After California’s drought, water conservation has never been more important. Whether you’re in the shower, brushing your teeth, shaving, or spending a day at the spa, turning off the flow can save more than you think. An average pedicure can use up to 25 gallons of water so finding an eco-friendly spa is a perfect alternative. Burke William’s revolutionary steam pedicure uses 1 gallon for every 4 services, giving you the perfect opportunity to make a positive impact on the planet and lower your carbon footprint.

Double-Duty Makeup

The average consumer owns almost 40 makeup products but only uses 5 of them daily. With makeup living a short life, that leaves a vast majority of an expired beauty collection in the trash. A great alternative to cutting down your heavy makeup bag is switching over to products that provide double duty effects. Using a liquid blush for those rosy cheeks can double for a perfect pouty pink lip. In need of a new eye-shadow? After contouring, swipe your favorite bronzer on the upper lids for a sun-kissed glow. You’ll look and feel great while cutting down time, waste, and products.

Makeup Remover

Makeup wipes are not only harmful to the environment, they can have negative effects on your skin as well. Leaving behind residual product, makeup, oil, and dirt, these pesky wipes produce more harm than good. A popular alternative is investing in a spin brush that will, over time, save you more money and reduce your waste almost immediately. By removing makeup, cleaning out pores, and leaving you feeling fresh-faced, this is our #1 tip on creating a sustainable beauty routine.

Taking the time to transition to an eco-friendly routine isn’t always easy, but it’s important to take any step towards a greener future! For more information on Burke Williams menu of services or products, visit www.burkewilliamsspa.com