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The 5 Best Foods for Lust-Worthy Skin

Written by support | Jan 28, 2014

You are what you eat, and in the case of your skin, what you put in your mouth will be visible on your face.

The importance of a conscientious skincare regimen is a given, but your efforts will be dulled if you’re not eating right. Load up on the following five foods for your best skin:

1. Avocado - These delicious green fruits are high in vitamin E, and vitamin E fights free radicals. . . but how many of us know what that actually means?

Alexander Page of Discovery Health shines some light: “Free radicals are atoms with an uneven number of electrons, and when they form inside your body, they steal electrons from healthy cells like the ones that make up your skin. This can cause a damaging chain reaction, and that's where antioxidants like vitamin E come in.”

We’re sold.

2. Eggs - Egg yolks are high in lutein, which is touted for its eye health benefits, but is also a miracle worker for your skin.

Dick Roberts, Ph.D. at Kemin Health, explains that lutein protects skin from the sun and other environmental assailants “by increasing hydration, elasticity, lipid content and photoprotective activity.” 

3. Coconut - At one point in your life, someone may have told you to steer clear of coconuts or their oil, citing the high saturated fat content as unhealthful. They were misinformed. In fact, you should be nuts for coconuts.

BeautyEditor reports that the medium-chain fatty acids abundant in coconut are “easily absorbed, can strengthen connective tissue and help with exfoliation” within your skin.

4. Sweet potatoes - Many orange fruits and veggies like sweet potatoes contain the antioxidant beta-carotene. As mentioned above, antioxidants help fight free radicals—the atoms that like to leech off your healthy cells.

Nutrition writer Joy Bauer explains that “beta-carotene. . . is converted to vitamin A in the body [which] is involved in the growth and repair of body tissues.”

Beta-carotene becomes vitamin A? We learn something new everyday. . .

5. Red meat - Cutting edge health advisor Chris Kresser explains that “in skin, zinc assists in the proper structure of proteins and cell membranes, improves wound healing, has anti-inflammatory effects, and protects against UV radiation.”

Though zinc is found in small to moderate quantities in plants, it is most abundant in (and easily absorbed from) red meats like beef and lamb.

Reward yourself for eating well and maximize your skin’s new glow. A facial peel will remove the dull, dead cells that make up the top layer of your skin, revealing your ultra-hydrated skin below. Our 4-Layer Resurfacing Facial combines the enzymes of papaya and pineapple with exfoliating beneficial acids, letting your true skin show through. Contact us to schedule one today!