6 Myths About Acne That Just Won’t Die

Posted by support on Apr 08, 2014

Acne - it’s the most common skin disorder in the country. Dermatologists see more patients seeking treatment for acne than any other condition.

Why are there so many persistent myths surrounding such a commonplace concern? Allow us to set the record straight about the following six myths.

1. Acne primarily affects teenagers. The Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology reports that 50% of adult males and 25% of adult females now experience acne at some point. Some dermatologists have even given it a name: the “adult acne epidemic.”

2. Acne is exacerbated by oily foods. This myth falls in the same vein as the erroneous claims “eating fat will make you fat” or “eating cholesterol will raise your cholesterol levels.” Independent research suggests that neither is true. The same goes for eating oils - it won’t magically make your sebaceous glands produce more oil. Young woman washing face in bathroom

3. You should never pop a pimple. This axiom should be re-phrased: you should never pop a pimple the wrong way. The independent, user-run advice site Acne.org has outlined a safe, hygienic process for draining a lesion that actually speeds the healing process.

4. Having acne means you need to wash your face more frequently. The underlying assumption here is that the dirt and oil on the surface of your skin are the cause of acne. Research has also shown this to be untrue - the cause of acne seems to be that the inner walls of the pores themselves stick together, causing blockage of the sebum which would otherwise make its way to the surface of the skin. Washing twice a day is sufficient.

5. Acne sufferers should avoid oil in their moisturizers and makeup. As pointed out previously, oil on the skin is not a cause of acne. While petroleum-based oils like mineral oil may not be ideal, oils like jojoba are actually beneficial and ease the dryness caused by many topical acne-fighting creams.

6. Getting a suntan or sunburn will clear acne. Sun exposure can cause your skin to darken or redden, which can temporarily mask the appearance of acne. But overexposure to the sun actually exacerbates the problem by drying out your skin. Your body is smart - it will ramp up its oil production to compensate for the moisture loss. The result? More acne.

Battling the breakouts? Try Burke William Spa’s Acne Facial, featuring a micro-ground benzoyl peroxide treatment, peel, the H2V Spotless Acne Masque and a finishing of salicylic acid. Contact us today to schedule yours.

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