Top 5 Foods to Feed Your Skin

Posted by support on Jun 19, 2013

How your skin looks is a direct reflection of what you put into your body. You probably already know the dangers of subsisting on fried foods and ice cream, but do you know what foods you should add to your diet to help your skin look absolutely radiant? Some foods are better than others when it comes to your complexion, and what they are might just surprise you.

Chocolate. Chocolate has a bad reputation when it comes to your skin’s health. zart bittere SchokoladeChoose the right kind, though, and you can indulge your sweet tooth without fear of blemishes. The right chocolate is the dark kind, and not only will it not cause blemishes, it will even help your skin look better. The key is choosing dark chocolate that contains 70% cacao. This is because dark chocolate contains flavonol, which has been shown to improve skin texture and help protect against UV rays. We couldn’t think of a better excuse to eat more chocolate.

Almonds. Another food that will improve your skin’s resistance to the sun? Almonds – and they’re conveniently often found in chocolate. These crunchy little treats are packed with vitamin E which, like flavonols, improve your resistance to UV rays. They’re also high in protein and low in fat, which makes them a winning snack all around.

Carrots. On top of improving your eye health, eating carrots can also help you become a little easier on the eyes. Carrots contain vitamin A, which helps prevent pimple formation. Vitamin A has also been proven to reduce your chances of getting skin cancer.

Green Tea. The ability to help prevent skin cancer is one of the many health benefits of green tea. And as if that wasn’t impressive enough, green tea can even help reverse the effects of sun damage. The antioxidants in this miracle beverage have also been found to reduce skin inflammation and redness.

Sweet Potatoes. The final food you should add to your diet for luminous skin? Sweet potatoes. They’re loaded with vitamin C, which is crucial to collagen production – and the more collagen you have, the less wrinkles you have. You won’t have to eat a ton of sweet potatoes to see results – just half of a small sweet potato per day will give you 4 mg of vitamin C, and you may be able to decrease the appearance of wrinkles by 11 percent.

There’s no doubt that eating better will help your skin look better. If you want truly flawless skin, though, you’ll have to watch what you put on your body, too. And that’s what we’re here for at Burke Williams Spas. Contact us today to get the perfect complexion you’ve always dreamed of.

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