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Should You Spring-Clean Your Beauty Routine?

Written by support | Jun 11, 2013

Spring is coming to an end, so you've probably already finished your annual cleaning tasks for the kitchen, your closet and maybe even your career and relationships. But when was the last time you gave your beauty routine a good reevaluation? It's been a while, hasn't it? Chances are that your bathroom cabinets could use a little spring-cleaning themselves. So which cosmetic and skin-care products should you keep and which should you toss?

People tend to think of their beauty products the same way they think of condiments or spices – they believe they’ll last forever. Unfortunately, this assumption is just not true. Spices lose potency over time, and so do your cosmetics and skin care products. Worse, bacteria can and do grow in lotions and creams that sit unused for extended periods of time. Replacing your expired products will help keep both your cabinets and your skin in the clear, so be sure to check those labels. A cluttered cabinet can also be a sign of an ineffective beauty routine.

If your cabinets are bursting with products, chances are that you’re probably not using half of them. We know how tempting a stroll through the drug store’s skin care aisle can be – the urge to pick up and try the latest anti-wrinkle cream can be overwhelming. But this is how is how clutter builds, and when those new, hyped products fail to produce the desired results, we can feel frustrated. The truth is that the products you buy at the drug store just aren’t as effective as higher-quality products.

So when temptation strikes in the drug store aisle, remember that the hot product of the moment is not always the best option. To find out what will work best for you, you’ll want to shop carefully. Figure out your unique skin type. At home, get rid of clutter and tone up your beauty routine by tossing old products – as well as those products that don’t specifically address your needs. Investing in high-quality products will help keep your skin and your beauty bag looking fresh and clean all year long.

Finally, after all of the spring-cleaning you’ve done, it’s time to treat yourself to a treatment at a Burke Williams Spa. You’ve certainly earned yourself a little indulgence.
